The Fundamentals of Cheesemaking: This 6 day intensive workshop is designed for those looking to develop or improve on a small-scale cheese business, and includes hands-on cheesemaking as well as information and discussion about cheese aging, facilities, equipment, regulations, sanitation and food safety, business planning, and creamery design. No prior experience necessary.
Topics include:
Milk Properties
Hands-On Cheesemaking
Use of Starter & Ripening Cultures, including Native Cultures
Brining & Surface Salting
Equipment & Facilities for Small-Scale Commercial Cheesemaking
FDA & State Regulations
Sanitation & Development of Food Safety Programs
Cheese Specific Affinage
Creamery Design
Business Planning
This session will be held at Parish Hill Creamery & Farm, Westminster West, VT. Registration information and policies can be found here.