Westminster Artisan Cheesemaking
Click on titles for complete information. Other sessions to be scheduled - contact us for details.
Advanced Cheesemaking: Simplifying Difficult Cheeses TBD
On the Road
The Science & Craft of Raw Milk Cheese Conference — March 15 & 16
To reserve a space send completed registration form to westminsterartisan@gmail.com. Registration will be confirmed upon receipt of deposit and completed registration form.
Click here for registration forms and details.
“It has been empowering to try to make all the chemistry of it make sense. It is exciting to think that the more I understand, the more I will be able to control the results of what we do with the milk we work so hard to collect....”
“The workshop was very helpful, it was great to bounce ideas around with others. The class was very open so everyone could jump in to ask questions and offer input.”
“ I’ve been talking with cheese makers and everyone I talked to seems over worked and stressed out. Pretty discouraging. BUT after taking Peter’s workshop I feel like I have a much better idea of what I can do to tailor my cheese business to my needs and goals. My choices will have a huge impact on my time and labor. I now feel hopeful about running a successful cheese business while maintaining a sane home and social life. ”
“The Affinage class is perfect for small scale artisan cheesemakers. It covers the affinage of major styles of cheeses. Affinage is very important part of producing the intended final cheese.”