Advanced Cheesemaking: Simplifying Difficult Cheeses
Dates Coming Soon
Registration: Download the Introduction to Artisan Cheesemaking registration form here.
Advanced Cheesemaking is a 6 day intensive designed for cheesemakers who own or work for small-scale, licensed, commercial cheese businesses and want to expand product lines, experiment with new cultures and recipes, and improve quality. The focus is on making, aging, and controlling quality, and the session will revolve around hands-on cheesemaking and thorough discussion.
Advanced sessions elaborate upon the information presented in Introduction to Artisan Cheesemaking. Experience in commercial cheesemaking is assumed.
Cheeses: Blues, Bloomy and Washed Rind, Tomme, Alpine & Grana
Recipe Development
Starter and Ripening Cultures, including Autochthonous Microbes (Native Starters)
Cheese Specific Aging Techniques
Equipment & Facilities
Cheese Grading & Quality Control
Food Safety & FSMA requirements
Cost is $1400 for six day workshop. Participants are encouraged to bring cheeses for tasting and group evaluation.
This session will be held at Parish Hill Creamery, Westminster West, VT.
Registration is closed — ALL SEATS ARE FULL.